Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fake-o-mix adventures..

Just to give you an idea of my mixer obsession, just this afternoon I've already made:

  • hommus
  • coriander, cashew and sundried tomato dip
  • frothy hot chocolates
  • creme brûlée 
Now, what to make for dinner....?

My daughter has been in Canberra all week visiting relatives, so she'll be in for a surprise at all this food crammed into the fridge. Also, I suspect she and my youngest son will be having fights over who gets to press the buttons. I'll have to give her some simple projects of her own to make. Maybe the eggs in the morning hmmmmm (my poached eggs this morning were so so)
Now, off to eat some hommus!


  1. I have met so many people with one version or another of this thermomix thing! Everyone swears by it!

    Listen, I have read your entire blog and now I an even MORE thrilled to have met you today. Seems we share many interests! PLUS I'm an ENFP! You are only the second ENFP I've ever met!

    1. I can't believe I've only just seen this! One day I will get back into this blogging thing..

  2. Hi Jonni - I wanted to stop by and follow you as well as introduce myself. i recently saw your post of Karen's Blog, and I'm very excited to link up with other homeschooling atheist mommies. I am currently in the process of starting a secular homeschooling blog aside from the sewing/crafting/creating blog that I have had for quite some time. I hope you will come check out the new blog when it's done! Thanks !


    1. Thanks for introducing yourself! I haven't been on here for SOOOO long, but it's nice to know that there are other secular homeschoolers out on the inter webs :)
