Saturday, October 13, 2012

Fake-o-mix adventures..

Just to give you an idea of my mixer obsession, just this afternoon I've already made:

  • hommus
  • coriander, cashew and sundried tomato dip
  • frothy hot chocolates
  • creme brûlée 
Now, what to make for dinner....?

My daughter has been in Canberra all week visiting relatives, so she'll be in for a surprise at all this food crammed into the fridge. Also, I suspect she and my youngest son will be having fights over who gets to press the buttons. I'll have to give her some simple projects of her own to make. Maybe the eggs in the morning hmmmmm (my poached eggs this morning were so so)
Now, off to eat some hommus!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fake - o - mix

I have pretty much disappeared into the vortex of my new Bellini kitchen master. Basically, it's a fake thermomix. Much cheaper, and a stack load of fun.

So far I've made:

  • olive and sundried tomato dip
  • Shepherd's Pie
  • Bolognaise Sauce
  • Spicy carrot soup
  • Lamb and mushroom stew
  • Chicken and vegetable soup
  • Chocolate custard
  • Vanilla custard
  • Boiled eggs
  • Basmati Rice
And that's just since Sunday afternoon!
So basically, it's the best thing ever. Once I burn this thing out I might even consider investing in a "real" thermomix, but while money's tight this will certainly tide me over.
Seriously, I'm in love! I can just throw stuff in, set, press on, and let it do its thing.

Results: Super Delicious.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Today I'm thinking that maybe the best idea would be to start multiple blogs on the one profile, all with a different theme, then see which one takes off and becomes the most enjoyable. Or, just keep them all! I'm leaning towards keeping them all, even if no one ends up following them - I have a short attention span and love having multiple interests going at the one time.

So I'm picturing "Jonni at Home" being decorating/ cooking stuff, "Jonni in the Closet" for fashion, "Jonni in the Universe" for philosophy and life stuff (or maybe in the Multiverse! hurry up science), "Jonni in the World" for science, travels, "Jonni in the studio" for art, photography, film and animation projects. Oh, it's great having such a cute nickname..

Anyway, I'll play with all these thoughts and see what evolves. There are so many blogger features I've never played with also, so maybe I'll start with some fluff to get used to posting pics, video, links etc, without it all looking like a dog's breakfast.

Ta ta for now..

Friday, October 5, 2012

New beginnings...

I've overhauled my life and hope to blog again from a completely different perspective.
Not sure what that's going to look like at this stage. Should I speak about my life experiences? Keep it light and entertaining? Specialise in a topic of interest?

No idea at this stage. All I know is, my previous entries make me squirm a bit, since I am in a totally different place in life now. Even my rather silly profile seems like a lifetime ago. Was I really such a child only a few years back? As soon as I post this I think I'll go back and start from scratch. My posts can stay (just), but only because I don't want to erase my journey. It was difficult dammit!

So here I am, not sure where to begin..